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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Out and about

I had a good outing today! Ugh! I have more err footwear than I need but well, when is it ever too much to have snuggly footwear? uhm Never! hahahaha... I so love that mall, even though it's terribly far. There's so much to see I could not believe we never went there before.

I was so glad I had my trainers on, or I would be screaming bloody murder! We didn't really get the chance to roam around the whole place, it's just ginormous. Hmm aside from the footwear I got myself a couple of bottles of new scents, yay me! YSL's Elle is fabulous. I so love the woody notes of patchouli and vetiver. The pink berries and jasmine delish, but I really could not care much for the lychee uhm but well it was thrown in the mix. I totally adore the bottle and the packaging, my fave colour ever.

The other perfume I bought is Caline Sweet Appeal by Grès. I think I chose it cause of the chocolate, musk and patchouli notes. It has a touch of jasmine too. My bestfriend teased me and with a raised eyebrow asked 'Do you have a love affair with patchouli? Why not just rub mint on your wrists or something?' bah! That made me laugh out loud but not before I gave her a stern look and glanced at her uhm parfums of choice. She smiled at me and said, well hmm you can't fault a woman for wanting to smell enticing, to which I nodded and smiled. She actually answered her own question.

We met with our other friends afterwards for lunch in Chilli's. I still do not like their long grained, rounded yellowish rice, whatever it's called. I had a steak like I usually do and uhm surprisingly finished it for once. Boy! was I hungry, that long wandering around must've done the trick. I just love the vanilla flavoured iced tea, couldn't help but ask for a second and a third *blushes*

There was no room for desert after we're done. I just could not take anymore, neither could they. We wandered around some more and found this cozy Italian coffee shop. It's such an eye candy that we all decided to go in and have coffee. I wasn't too keen on it but was glad we stopped by because of the génoise. Oh my word! I have never tasted a sponge cake as nice as that (it was delicate, yummo!).

It was wonderful to go out and about sometimes but uhm not really friendly on the wallet! ugh! In the end it's all worth it. I had a good day!

Black Friday

I got a call early in the morning from my cousin who's in the other side of the world. Ecstatic and uber joyed, blabbering her thanks for the amazon kindle I sent her for Thanksgiving, with a specific message saying it covers all the other holidays ie. Christams, New Year, Three Kings and Valentines day which of course made her laugh out loud.

She was so very pleased with her gift, and asked me for the nth time what I wanted in return. I murmured a 'nothing you can send me' in my sleep induced state which made her more adamant in asking what it is I wanted. A half smile formed on my lips and said teasingly, I want Edward Cullen. I almost fully awaken myself by the sound of my bubbly giggle, for it left her dumbfounded, not truly knowing who or what an Edward Cullen is. Realization dawned on her and I heard a loud shriek on the other end of the line, clearly, now she know who it was I was referring to.

The call ended with a light banter and me finally acquiescing for her to send me the Anita Blake books I seem to have trouble finding here, and throw in the Jacqueline Carey ones to complete my collection, so that I could finally start reading...

I got up shortly, got dressed and decided to spend the day gallivanting, in the true spirit of Black Friday.... I went out shopping...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday blues...

Getting up in the morning is always a challenge, but of late, it has changed from bad to worse. I blame it entirely on the weather, it is starting to get cold and there is nothing more I want to do but stay under the warmth of the covers and sleep the day away, if only that were possible.

I grudgingly dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, the cold water like tiny needles piercing my skin, which made me jump and scream. I must have been a sight to behold, akin to a cat that fell into a pool of ice cold water, gasping for air. I pity my neighbors for being privy to my ungodly howls (seriously, I sound piteous in the morning, but who wouldn’t?).

To make an extremely long story short, I managed to get out of there in one piece albeit shivering and shriveled like a prune. The next minutes were a blur as I hurriedly got dressed, wore my shoes and jump into the car to brave the morning traffic. It was still dark when I hit the road, the gloom of the darkened sky, a telltale of the heavy rain that pelted the night before. The roads were slippery and wet, there were potholes in some areas, thank goodness there was no flooding, or it would have been a greater inconvenience than it already is.

The traffic surprisingly was not that bad, maybe because it is a Thursday, or maybe some of the frequent road travelers have opted to stay indoors expecting the worst on the roads, or maybe they have hit the snooze button one too many times and are just stirring from slumber, whichever the case is, I was thankful for the movement.

I got here within the grace period which is a good thing, having said that, I better get back to work and clear up for the weekend. Toodles!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting started...

I have been mulling over the idea of starting a blog for the past couple of weeks. I have always loved the written words, but it has been eons since I sat down and wrote something, anything, for that matter. There's just too many distractions and I never really get some quiet time to sit down and pour my thoughts out.... well, until this very moment of course.

I do believe it's high time I start over and just let whatever comes to mind spout, the clean slate of a blinking screen will serve as my parchment and the ever yielding keyboard my pen. In the coming days, I shall endeavor to keep the pages of this blog teeming with words, albeit alien to most, but surely sensible to the one who wrote them.

Now let us see... what should I write about? what should I so brazenly share amongst the multitude of bloggers with a spare minute or two, gallivanting the vast cyberspace? Should I try to write something with sense? something witty? something engaging? or should I resign myself into composing nonsensical things that no one in their right mind would spend a nano second reading? it's quite a dilemma deciding, I tell you...

How about... I stick to the title of this blog and write about the day to day happenings in the life of a stranger, living in a strange land? That surely, is appealing to me, eureka! I do believe that shall be what I will write about...

and so, to you, my unfortunate first time reader I bequeath the daily happenings in the life of this stranger....