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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday blues...

Getting up in the morning is always a challenge, but of late, it has changed from bad to worse. I blame it entirely on the weather, it is starting to get cold and there is nothing more I want to do but stay under the warmth of the covers and sleep the day away, if only that were possible.

I grudgingly dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, the cold water like tiny needles piercing my skin, which made me jump and scream. I must have been a sight to behold, akin to a cat that fell into a pool of ice cold water, gasping for air. I pity my neighbors for being privy to my ungodly howls (seriously, I sound piteous in the morning, but who wouldn’t?).

To make an extremely long story short, I managed to get out of there in one piece albeit shivering and shriveled like a prune. The next minutes were a blur as I hurriedly got dressed, wore my shoes and jump into the car to brave the morning traffic. It was still dark when I hit the road, the gloom of the darkened sky, a telltale of the heavy rain that pelted the night before. The roads were slippery and wet, there were potholes in some areas, thank goodness there was no flooding, or it would have been a greater inconvenience than it already is.

The traffic surprisingly was not that bad, maybe because it is a Thursday, or maybe some of the frequent road travelers have opted to stay indoors expecting the worst on the roads, or maybe they have hit the snooze button one too many times and are just stirring from slumber, whichever the case is, I was thankful for the movement.

I got here within the grace period which is a good thing, having said that, I better get back to work and clear up for the weekend. Toodles!

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