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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting started...

I have been mulling over the idea of starting a blog for the past couple of weeks. I have always loved the written words, but it has been eons since I sat down and wrote something, anything, for that matter. There's just too many distractions and I never really get some quiet time to sit down and pour my thoughts out.... well, until this very moment of course.

I do believe it's high time I start over and just let whatever comes to mind spout, the clean slate of a blinking screen will serve as my parchment and the ever yielding keyboard my pen. In the coming days, I shall endeavor to keep the pages of this blog teeming with words, albeit alien to most, but surely sensible to the one who wrote them.

Now let us see... what should I write about? what should I so brazenly share amongst the multitude of bloggers with a spare minute or two, gallivanting the vast cyberspace? Should I try to write something with sense? something witty? something engaging? or should I resign myself into composing nonsensical things that no one in their right mind would spend a nano second reading? it's quite a dilemma deciding, I tell you...

How about... I stick to the title of this blog and write about the day to day happenings in the life of a stranger, living in a strange land? That surely, is appealing to me, eureka! I do believe that shall be what I will write about...

and so, to you, my unfortunate first time reader I bequeath the daily happenings in the life of this stranger....

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